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Spis czasowników cz. II

Spis czasowników cz. II

baciare - całować
badare - uważać (na coś); troszczyć się
bagnare - kąpać; myć
balbettare - jakąć się; bełkotać
balenare - błyskać się
ballare - tańczyć; pląsać
baloccarsi - bawić się; próżnować
balzare - skakać; podskakiwać
balzellare - podrygiwać
banchettare - ucztować
bandire - ogłosić; obwieścić
barare - szachrować; oszukiwać
barattare - zmieniać; zamieniać
barbugliare - bełkotać; bulgotać
barcollare - chwiać się; kołysać się; zataczać się
barricare - barykadować
bastare - wystarczać
bastonare - okładać kijem; bić
battagliare - bojować; walczyć
battere - bić; uderzać; stukać
battezzare - chrzcić
bazzicare - uczęszczać
beatificare - beatyfikować
beccare - dziobać
beffare - kpić; żartować
beffeggiare - drwić; szydzić
belare - beczeć
bendare - zawiązywać; bandażować
benedire - poświęcić; pobłogosławić
beneficare - obdarzać; wspomagać (biednych)
beneficiare - skorzystać (z czegoś)
bere - pić
bersagliare - strzelać do celu; celować
bestemmiare - bluźnić; kląć
biasimare - ganić; potępiać
bilanciare - ważyć; równoważyć
bisbigliare - szeptać; szemrać; obgadywać
bisognare - potrzebować
bisticciare - kłócić się; spierać się
bitumare - asfaltować
bivaccare - biwakować; obozować
blandire - schlebiać (czemuś; łagodzić)
blaterare - gadać głośno, jazgotać
blindare - opancerzyć
bloccare - blokować; osaczać
boccheggiare - łapać z trudem powietrz; dusić się
bocciare - odrzucać; oblać na egzaminie
boicottare - bojkotować
bollare - pieczętować; piętnować
bollire - wrzeć; kipieć; gotować się
bombardare - bombardować
bonificare - przeprowadzać meliorację; udzielać zniżki
borbottare - mruczeć; gderać; zrzędzić
bordeggiare- lawirować
braccare - tropić
bramare - pragnąć gorąco; pożądać
brancolare - chodzić (działać) po omacku
brandire - wywijać; machać
brillare - błyszczeć; lśnić
brindare - wznosić toast
brontolare - gderać; zrzędzić
bronzare - brązowić; opalać
brucare - toczyć ( o robakach); przeglądać
bruciare - palić; spalać
brulicare - roić się; mrowić się
bucare - dziurawić; przedziurawić
burlare - żartować; kpić
bussare - pukać; stukać
buttare - rzucać; ciskać
cacciare - polować; tropić; wypędzić (kogoś)
cadere - padać; upadać
calare - spuścić; upuścić; zachodzić
calcare - deptać; podeptać
calciare - kopać; wierzgać
calcolare - liczyć; rozważać
caldeggiare - protegować; popierać
calmare - uciszać; uspokajać
calpestare - deptać; podeptać
calunniare - szkalować; spotwarzać
calzare - wkładać (buty, pończochy)
cambiare - zmienić; zamienić; wymienić
camminare - chodzić; iść
campare - żyć; bytować
campeggiare - kempingować
camuffare - przebrać; zamaskować; zakamuflować
cancellare - przekreślić; wykreślić; wymazać
cantare - śpiewać
canzonare - drwić; żartować
capire - zrozumieć; pojąć
capitare - nadarzyć się; zdarzyć się; nastąpić
capitolare - kapitulować; ustąpić
capitombolare - przewrócić się; przekoziołkować
captare - zjednać (kogoś); zyskać; złapać
caratterizzare - cechować; charakteryzować
carbonizzare - spalać na węgiel
carezzare - głaskać; pieścić
caricare - ładować; naładować
carpire - wyrwać; wyłudzić
cascare - runąć; upaść; spaść
castigare - karać
catalogare - katalogować; wyszczególniać
catturare - ująć; aresztować
causare - sprawić; spowodować
cautelare - chronić; zabezpieczyć
cavalcare - dosiadać (konia)
cedere - odstąpić; ustąpić
celare - ukryć; zataić
celebrare - święcić; obchodzić
cenare - jeść kolację
censurare - cenzurować; krytykować
centrare - trafić; centrować
cercare - szukać; poszukiwać
certificare - poświadczyć; zaświadczyć
cessare - przestać; ustać
chiacchierare - gadać; plotkować
chiamare - wezwać; wołać
chiamarsi - nazywać się
chiarificare - klarować; objaśniać
chiarire - rozjaśniać; wyświetlać
chiedere - prosić; żądać
chinare - chylić; pochylić
chiudere - zamknąć
ciarlare - gadać; paplać
cicatrizzarsi - zabliźniać się; goić się
cifrare - zaznaczać cyframi; szyfrować
cigolare - skrzypieć
cimentare - wypróbować; poddać próbie
cinematografare - flimować; kręcić film
cingere - opasać; otoczyć
cinguettare - świergotać; szczebiotać
circolare - krążyć; poruszać się; jeździć
circondare - otoczyć; okrążyć; opasać
circoscrivere - ograniczyć; określić
circuire - omotać; oszukać
citare - cytować; przytaczać
civettare - kokietować; zalecać się
civilizzare - cywilizować; wychowywać
classificare - klasyfikować; segregować
coabitare - mieszkać wspólnie; współżyć
coagularsi - krzepnąć; ścinać się
cogliere - rwać; zbierać
coincidere - zbiegać się; następować w tym samym czasie
colare - cedzić; odlać; przefiltrować
collegare - łączyć; połączyć
collezionare - zbierać; kolekcjonować
collocare - umieścić; rozmieścić
colmare - napełnić po brzegi; wypełnić
colonizzare - kolonizować
colorare - kolorować; malować; barwić
colorire - koloryzować; upiększać
colpire - uderzyć; zranić
coltivare - hodować; uprawiać
comandare - dowodzić; kierować
combattere - walczyć; bić się
combinare - połączyć; zestawić
cominciare - zacząć; zapoczątkować
commentare - objaśniać; tłumaczyć; komentować
commerciare - trudnić się handlem; handlować
commettere - zlecić; zamówić; powierzyć
commiserare - żałować (kogoś); współczuć
commuovere - poruszyć; wzburzyć
comparire - pokazać się; ukazać się; zjawić się
compatire - współczuć; litować się; pobłażać
compensare - rekompensować; wynagradzać
compiacere - być uczynnym; zadowalać
compiangere - współczuć
compilare - opracowywać; układać; pisać
completare - kompletować; uzupełniać
complimentare - gratulować; chwalić
complottare - spiskować
comporre - składać; sporządzać; przyrządzać
comportare - pociągać za sobą; zakładać
comportarsi - zachowywać się; postępować
comprare - kupić; nabyć
comprendere - obejmować; zawierać; składać się
comprimere - ściskać; uciskać; powściągać
compromettere - narażać; kompromitować
comprovare - potwierdzić; udowodnić
compungere - przygnębić; zasmucić
comunicare - przekazać (wiadomość); komunikować
concedere - udzielić; przyznać
concentrare - gromadzić; skupiać
concepire - zajść w ciążę; wymyślić
conciliare - pojednać; pogodzić
concludere - zawrzeć; realizować; ukończyć
concordare - uzgodnić; ustalić
concorrere - współzawodniczyć; konkurować
condannare - skazać; zasądzić
condensare - zagęszczać; kondensować
condire - przyprawiać
condiscendere - ulegać; ustępować; zezwolić
condividere - współuczestniczyć; dzielić (coś)
condizionare - uwarunkować; uzależnić
condonare - zmniejszyć karę
conferire - przyznać; nadać
confermare - potwierdzić; utwierdzić
confessare - wyznać; przyznać się
confezionare - konfekcjonować; pakować
confidare - zaufać; zawierzyć
confiscare - skonfiskować
confondere - wymieszać; pomieszać; pomylić
confortare - pocieszyć; podnieść na duchu
confrontare - porównać; skonfrontować
congedare - odprawić; zwolnić
congelare - zamrażać
congiungere - złączyć; łączyć
congiurare - spiskować; sprzysiąc się
congratularsi - gratulować
coniare - bić monetę; wymyślić
coniugare - odmieniać (czasownik)
conoscere - znać; poznać
conquistare - podbić; zdobyć
consacrare - wyświęcić; konsekrować
consegnare - dostarczyć; doręczyć
conseguire - osiągnąć; uzyskać
consentire - zgadzać się; zezwolić; przystać
conservare - przechowywać; konserwować
considerare - rozpatrywać; rozważać
consigliare - radzić; doradzać
consistere - polegać; opierać się (na czymś)
consolare - pocieszyć; podnieść na duchu
consolidare - umacniać; ugruntować
consultare - radzić się; prosić o radę; szukać informacji
consumare - zużywać; marnować
contagiare - zarazić

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John Amaechi spent some time in the NBA, and after he retired he revealed in his Oklahoma City Thunder Jerseys book "Man in the Middle" that he's gay. He was closeted during his playing days, but became the first NBA player to speak publicly about being gay.So when he read Amar'e Stoudemire's recent homophobic comments, Amaechi decided to respond: These are serious times and we need serious people to lead important conversations, not petulant man-children spouting puerile prejudice. There is already Giannis Antetokounmpo Jerseys one too many of those holding court in the media, and the world is poorer for it. Within the world of sport there are plenty of true role models r12; on and off the floor r12; whose words are carefully chosen to uplift and integrate society, not join [President Donald]Trump and his grinning cabal in their 'locker room banter.' In these Los Angeles Lakers Jerseys tumultuous times, these true role models are the men and women whose voices we need to disseminate to every corner, not a braying jackass making a desperate grab for relevance amongst a constituency destined for extinction. Lastly, could someone please tell this man to stop flattering himself. It's embarrassing.In an interview with Israeli website Walla Sport, Stoudemire was asked about playing Golden State Warriors Jerseys with a gay teammate. His response was to avoid the player at all costs."I'm going to shower across the street, make sure my change of clothes are around the corner," Stoudemire said "And I'm going to drive -- take a different route to the gym."When asked if he was joking he said, r0;I mean, therer17;s always a truth within a Warriors Jerseys joke.r1;This isn't Stoudemire's first time using harsh language toward the gay community. In 2012, he was fined $50,000 from the Knicks after he tweeted a gay slur toward another Twitter user.
At a fundamental level, Philadelphia trading Nerlens Noel and Dallas trading for him represents two different answers to the same question: will he be worth his next contract?While expressed simply, Milwaukee Bucks Jerseys that question involves multiple pieces of analysis. The first is player evaluation. This includes both objective and subjective components, particularly for Dallas. While Philadelphia has had time to figure out how Noel fits in with their other pieces r12; even though Noel and presumptive Rookie of the Year Joel Embiid played just eight minutes together r12; the Mavericks have to use Justise Winslow Jerseys the information in front of them to ascertain both his ability as a player now and fit in coach Rick Carlisler17;s system.Dallas could see untapped offensive potential playing with Dirk Nowitzki and attacking guards, or simply feel that his defensive upside is high enough to justify giving up resources to acquire him now. Of course, they also receive the benefit of Otto Porter Jerseys generating substantially more information for themselves between now and when Noel hits restricted free agency on July 1. Getting first-hand experience concerning a playerr17;s work ethic, skills and fit with existing talent can be incredibly valuable, and that applies even more strongly to a player who has missed significant time and played in situations that challenge talent evaluators.The second (and arguably De Aaron Fox Jerseys more interesting) component in Noelr17;s case is projecting the value of his next contract. There are a series of different projections and calibrations that come into play, and Noel may be at the forefront of a few of them in the 2017 free agent class. Centers have been prized for years, but the combination of ample supply and reduced demand has Paul Millsap Jerseys cratered the market for centers around the league. While elite big men will always have value and drive interest, players outside of that class will have a tougher time moving forward.Where Noel fits in will be a matter of opinion and speculation around the league. Dallasr17; fundamental challenge is one felt by Portland and Miami last summer: it only takes one Stephen Curry Jerseys team valuing your restricted free agent highly to force a hard decision. Both Allen Crabbe and Tyler Johnson pushed their prior teams to the absolute brink with lucrative offer sheets from the Nets with both the Blazers and Heat matching. While those and Enes Kanterr17;s max offer sheet from the Trail Blazers in 2015 represent the outer limit on one end, Custom NBA Jerseys there are also talented players like Khris Middleton and Will Barton who have either taken a lower salary or ended up with less due to the nature of the process.
JaVale McGee has been an easy target for Shaquille O'Neal for quite some time, but the Warriors center is done with the constant ridicule r12; and so are his teammates and Jonathan Isaac Jerseys coaches.After McGee and Shaq engaged in an ugly Twitter beef following the Warriors' win over the Clippers on Thursday night, Golden State star forward Kevin Durant and coach Steve Kerr defended McGee. Both agreed Shaq's jokes had gone too far."Shaq was a sr12;y free-throw shooter. He missed dunks. He airballed free throws. He couldn't shoot outside of the paint," Durant said. DeMarcus Cousins Jerseys "He was bigger than everybody. He didn't have no skill, but he was bigger and stronger than everybody. And he's still a great player, but you had your flaws, too, as a player. And he played on five or six teams, too. So it's not like Carmelo Anthony Jerseys he was just this perfect center."Kerr pointed out that TNT's popular "Shaqtin' A Fool" segment had actually hurt McGee's reputation around the league, and even changed how Kerr thought about the nine-year veteran."You're in this position where somebody on national TV is making fun of you night after night, it's not the greatest thing for your reputation," Kerr said. "I can tell you, I had a preconceived notion of JaVale before he got here that turned out to be totally false. And a lot of that was because of what goes Jayson Tatum Jerseys on with Shaq's 'Shaqtin' A Fool' thing."
Kevin Durant has played just 93 seconds of the Warriors' last two games, and they lost both of them.Golden State's latest mishap was an ugly 94-87 loss Thursday in Chicago. The Bulls trailed by seven after the first quarter, but won every quarter after that.Durant is out indefinitely with a left MCL sprain. In Markelle Fultz Jerseys his absence, the Warriors shot just 38.6 percent from the floor, and a putrid 20 percent from beyond the arc. The Warriors had played 146 regular-season games without losing back to back. This is the first time they dropped consecutive games since April 5-7, 2015.Jimmy Butler led the Bulls (31-30) with 22 points, six assists, five rebounds and four steals. Bobby Ben Simmons Jerseys Portis, who is starting in place of departed Taj Gibson, added 17 points and 13 rebounds.Chicago is in a dogfight for a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference.Rajon Rondo's suddenly improved play, paired with showing the ability to fend off foes such as this, will help the Bulls gain confidence as the regular season dwindles.Little-known Suns forward Alan Williams continued his Damian Lillard Jerseys run of strong form by scoring 16 points on 7 of 9 shooting with 12 rebounds in a 120-103 win over the Hornets. Williams has now scored in double figures each of his last four games.Thunder: Something just isn't working with this team. Russell Westbrook scored 45 points in a 114-109 loss to the Trail Blazers, but he did so on Devin Booker Jerseys 12 of 36 shooting. For someone who averages a triple-double, Westbrook has some really ugly shooting nights. The rest of the Thunder team did little to assist Westbrook, or at least give him reason to pass. Enes Kanter had 18 points and 10 rebounds off the bench, but the four other starters combined to score just 12 points.
The All-Star Game Stephen Curry Jerseys is often viewed as the dividing point of the NBA season. Not in terms of games played, but as a shift in approach heading into the final stretch of the regular season. Teams like the Cavaliers and Warriors, for example, can start to prepare themselves for the playoffs knowing they have one of the top seeds in their conferences locked up. Golden State Warriors Jerseys The Suns and Lakers, meanwhile, can turn their attention to the NBA Draft knowing they have nothing to gain from making a late-season run.Thatr17;s a simplistic way of looking at it, of course, because therer17;s a lot of moving pieces between those boundaries. The worst team in the NBA this season doesnr17;t even own the pick that could turn into Markelle Cheap NBA Jerseys Fultz or Lonzo Ball. Some teams are still question marks at this point because of new additions before the trade deadline, and others don't have fully healthy rosters.Although each team has something to watch for in the next two months, letr17;s take a look at seven questions in particular that should be on everyoner17;s radar, from Serge Ibakar17;s impact on the Kyrie Irving Jerseys Raptors to whether the Clippers can make the run theyr17;ve always seemed destined for.
The Buss family feud for control of the Lakers took another turn Friday, with Jeanie thwarting her brothers.The battle for control of the franchise moved into the courtroom, as Jeanie sought a temporary restraining order against her brothers Jim and Johnny, according to the Los Angeles Times. Jimmy Butler Jerseys The request was an attempt to prevent the brothers from holding a meeting next week to elect a new board of directors for the team that wouldnr17;t include Jeanie. According to the Times, the brothers withdrew the request in court Friday after Jeanie Buss asked for the restraining order.r0;This is no doubt the beginning and not the end of the game-playing,r1; Klay Thompson Jerseys Jeanie Buss' attorney Adam Streisand told the Times. r0;They donr17;t have a legal leg to stand on. This is a legal strategy doomed for failure.r1;Jeanie Buss took control of the franchise after the death of her father, Jerry Buss, in 2013. She recently fired her brother Jim from his longtime position as the Lakers' executive vice president for basketball operations as Paul George Jerseys part of a shakeup that put Magic Johnson in charge of the department.
The NBA may have some new All-Star game rules very shortly.According to ESPN, Clippers point guard Chris Paul called commissioner Adam Silver following this year's version in New Orleans, after his Western Conference side won 192-182.The report states that Silver thinks players like Paul and owners like Michael Gordon Hayward Jerseys Jordan could meet like they did during collective bargaining to discuss ways to improve the All-Star Game. Among the possible rules changes, captains would be allowed to pick their own starters, there could be a 4-point shot added to some spots on the floor and there could even be a 10-point half-court shot. All of these changes would be strictly for NBA Jerseys the All-Star game only. No one wants to see players chucking up half-court shots on a regular basis.
Joel Embiid cannot catch a break.The promising 76ers big man and Rookie of the Year candidate, who has missed the last 13 games with a left knee injury, is now out indefinitely, according to Keith Pompey of the Philadelphia Inquirer.Pompey also reports that Kevin Durant Jerseys Embiid will have an MRI today.The Embiid news comes just days after the 76ers announced that rookie forward Ben Simmons will miss the enitre season while recovering from a broken foot.Embiid missed his first two NBA seasons due to foot injuries.He is averaging 20.2 points, 7.8 rebounds and 2.5 blocks per game in 31 games played this season.
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